Sunday, August 14, 2011

Collagen drinks...

Hi and Assalamualaikum to all..

I want to share to all of you this product...This is the collagen drinks that i mentioned before. I love the sweet taste and like the have fibre, collagen (fish) and also fruit juice...I heard one of our celebrity is using other product and it also collagen drinks but i never try it..

Well.. you can try this..My wrinkles reduce and i have smooth skin, even have a firm will loveee...if your breast starting to firm aren't you?

I have been drinks this few months ago and i stop it..But now i continue to maintained my looks.. You Can get it from your nearest "Guardian" pharmacy store...Tell me if you like the taste and how the result on you!! :)


Monday, August 1, 2011


Assalamualaikum and Hi to all bloggers....

Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan..Selamat Berpuasa..

Semoga kita bersama-sama mendapat keberkatan di bulan yang mulia ini...Marilah kita bersama-sama menjadikan bulan ini penuh dengan aktiviti ibadah dan bermanfaat...
Mungkin ini adalah Ramadhan terakhir kita tidak akan tahu, so, gunakan peluang ini sebaiknya untuk kita mendapat keampunan dari-Nya...Insya-Allah...


My Love..

This picture was taken at my aunty house last was a big day... my cousin really touching moment when i saw most of them cry in happiness...wish them happily ever after...amin...

On this day, it remind me on my wedding day...lot of happiness...oh dear, am i still dreaming that i have a sweet daughter and a kind husband in my life..Thanks to Allah...Syukran...
