Monday, June 16, 2014

pictures tell u the story

2014..suka duka 2014

Assalamualaikum n hi to all bloggers...

Pasti ada yang tertanya kemana Dian menghilang..Dian masih ada di sini..cuma ada beberapa masalah yang tak bisa Dian rungkaikan di sini ya... happy i can write my Diary again here.. let me share sikit cerita since january until.june.. well.. this year no celebration for birthday party for my kids..just bought a cake for them..this year also my cuzon wedding..yang kaboom!!! Memang meriah!!!

But also this year juga ada beberapa masalah between us..but at last manage to handle it..Allah itu Maha Pengasih.. dan Maha Penyayang... i really appreciate for what happened with a reason..and the climax really hurt..and the ending is happy ending...

And also..the good news also for 2014 we bought a house!!! My dream house..banyak ideas datang dalam kepala otak nie...

Okay..last but not least, mesti tertanya masih 2 anak? Iya!!! Of coz..masih 2 orang prince yang semakin comel n my princess yang semakin bijak dan pandai..alhamdulilllah....

So..sampai di sini coretan Dian..
